AGRIMONY is an herb that is said to turn back jinxes that have already been made, roots that have already been laid, and curses that have already been cast. Combined with Slippery Elm Bark it is said to break spells involving Slander and Lies spread by back-biting enemies who are trying to trouble your marriage or love-life. Combined with Rue, it is said to send back the Evil Eye (Mal Occhio) even after the Eye has already taken effect. Combined with Salt, it is said to un-make Hexes and Witchcraft. In other words, we are told that AGRIMONY is one of the all-around best herbs for general uncrossing work, either used alone or in combination with other herbs, in preparations for bathing, burning, sprinkling, or carrying in a mojo bag. Ancient Magick & Tarot make no claims for AGRIMONY, and sell it as a Curio only. .